Geisters Or Vice Versa, 2023

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Geisters Or Vice Versa, 2023
Dimensions: 504 x 238 cm, Billboards
Installed on multiple outdoor locations throughout Vienna, Austria
Courtesy of the Artist & Eva Kahan Foundation ©
Images: Manuel Carreon Lopez


Geisters or Vice Versa reflect on the complexity and gaps between time, memory, and place. The coats installed throughout the vegetable garden of Mr. Ismail, b. 1944, a family relative of mine, represent or rather document the physical & mental journey of his migration history from his native village: Doganaj, Kacanik to his home for the past 45 years - Gstaad, Switzerland & Paznaun-Ischgl, Austria through the scarecrows randomly spread around his land. The clothes not only have the ability to scare the predatory birds, who come to eat freshly grown vegetables. They also refer to the topic of duration1 . Adapting himself to his new home Mr. Ismail was struggling to even secure good clothes for himself. While now the coats serve as ghost artifacts of his past economic status and fashion taste he had been following while living and working as a Schweißer in Gstaad or Österreicher in Paznaun

1- Duration, as Henri Bergson wrote, cannot be apprehended by the rational intellect or conceptual understanding but instead through intuition. Only in intuition can one enter into this passing of time and so experience at the concrete level the flux of becoming as the ultimate reality.experience at theconcrete level the flux of becoming as the ultimate reality.

*The artistic interventions are positioned on advertising surfaces in the five following locations in Vienna:

— Hellwagstraße, bei Bahnunterführung — Taborstraße gü. Nr. 102-108

— Rotenkreuzgasse 9 Ecke Haidgasse 11 — Währinger Str. 23, Oben

— Taborstraße 95, bei Einfahrt zum Nordwestbahnhof