The work delves deeply into the notion of the public domain as a political 'forum'. It grapples with the implications of biennials and similar events within the realm of contemporary art, considering them as a matrix from which practices emerge that challenge the
very fabric of modern democracies.
Through interventionist strategies, the work disrupts prevailing spatial and economic
models, revealing the intricate intersections between civilization and barbarism. These
interventions serve as a means to uncover the necessary dialectics between seemingly
opposing forces, highlighting the role of art as a potent agent capable of both constructing and deconstructing what is commonly understood as public.
In essence, my work seeks to provoke critical discourse surrounding the function and
purpose of public spaces within our societies. It endeavors to shed light on the complex
dynamics at play, ultimately encouraging viewers to contemplate the broader implications of their interactions within these spaces.
Installation view: Palace Of The Youth plateu, Prishtina Kosovo
Arrows of Outrageous Fortune, 2022
Public space Intervention, Prishtina, July 2021
Dimensions variable, Courtesy of the Artist ©
Images: Atdhe Mullav