On the occasion of the opening ceremony of the Bregenz Biennale, a living piranha fish will be released at the fountain at the entrance of the Landhaus Bregenz building. Fountain of Doubt is a symbol that working in a group is a better approach to finishing certain things, while it is also a representation of savagery and tearing apart of enemies. When Theodore Roosevelt traveled to South America in 1913, He encountered, among other exotic creatures, several different species of Piranha. In his journal: Through the Brazilian Wilderness he notes: They are the most ferocious fish in the world. Even the most formidable fish, the sharks or barracudas, usually attack things smaller than themselves. But the piranhas habitually attack things much larger than themselves. Fountain of Doubt stands as a constant reminder that we should go through our darkest fears, and though sometimes lacking in some aspects, the work proves that you are a formidable opponent by showcasing your other abilities.
Fountain of Doubt, 2018
Landesregirung, Bregenz Biennale / BB 18
Curated by: Albert Allgaier & Sophie Lapalut
Courtesy The Artist & Bregenz Biennale ©