Steel tubes, stainless poles,wind rotating mechanism
Dimensions 15 x 350 x 50 cm
Beaufort Triennale, Curated by Els Wuyts
27.03—03.11.2024, Courtesy of the Artist & Beaufort Triennale ©
Images: Westtoer – AS-Deldycke
When Driton Selmani, accustomed to constant noise in his home country of Kosovo, first arrived on site in Blankenberge, he was struck by the tranquillity of the dune path’s entrance. The silence immediately offers a fierce contrast in experience, sound, and view compared to the bustling, festively fizzing promenade. As if drawn towards a lighthouse or a beacon of hope, we find ourselves captivated by the rotating artwork Lost For Words by Driton Selmani. In the quest for poetry amidst challenging times, this piece becomes a weather vane for empathy. The artist believes that the residents of Blankenberge can not only connect with each other, but also aspire to higher goals by tapping into the emotions lingering in the air. The intention is to evoke a profound sensation in the viewer, transcending the limits of rationality.
Driton Selmani’s art is intricately tied to the geopolitical nuances of his roots: Kosovo, a place on the brink of international recognition. Different languages and cultures coexist in isolation, often polarised – not due to the residents’ unwillingness, but due to political intrigue. Within this context, Driton Selmani’s body of work emerges as a dialogue. In Lost For Words, he navigates this complex terrain with finesse, employing his artistic language to temper the harsh tones of difference. His work transcends the political swamp, and aspires to offer an experience rather than a rational observation.